Lakeland Security

Residential Security

Lakeland Security have vast experience in providing security services to Apartment complex and residential properties. From part time cover to 24-hour security cover, we provide a customer focused service to make residents feel comfortable in the knowledge that trained professionals are looking after their homes.

Our list of services includes:

We liaise directly with property managers and management committees to ensure that all the residents expectations are met.

Each security officer is licensed by the Private Security Authority and have all completed Fetac Level 4 Basic Guarding Skills.

Lakeland Security
Ashe Road
Co. Westmeath
Tel: 044 9390701
Fax: 044 9390702
Mobile: 086 1739816
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This Website is part funded by Westmeath County Enterprise Board. County & City Enterprise Boards are co funded by the Irish Government and the European Union.

Graphic Design and Web Design Mindsi